Want To Plant Grass Seed This Spring? 4 Steps To Get Prepared
ShareIt's too cold to start your landscaping right now. But, spring will be here in a few short months. When it arrives, you'll want to get started on your outdoor projects. If planting grass seed is on your list of projects, now's the time to prepare. Early preparation can improve stability. It can also increase the health of your new grass seed. If you've never planted grass seed before, read the list provided below. Here are four steps that will help you prepare for grass seed planting.
Watch the Temperatures
If you want to plant grass seed, success starts with the temperature. Specifically, success starts with the temperature needs of your grass seed. When do you want to plant your grass seed? You might not know this, but different types of seeds need different temperatures.
For instance, warm-weather grass seeds should get planted during the summer months. Warm weather grass seed includes Bermuda or zoysia. But, cool weather grass seeds should get planted during the summer or fall. Cool-weather grass seed includes perennial ryegrass and tall fescue.
Know Your Lawn Needs
Now that you're getting ready to plant grass seed, think about your lawn needs. What type of plans do you have for your lawn? If you want to plant grass seed in a children's play area, you'll want a hearty seed.
Two types of hearty grass seed include St. Augustine and perennial ryegrass. Are you planting grass seed in an area that won't get a lot of foot traffic? If so, Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues are excellent options.
Get Your Soil Prepared
If you have plans to plant grass seed this spring, be sure to get the soil ready. Soil needs a lot of preparation before grass seeds can get planted. This is especially true for soil that's never been cultivated before. The first thing you want to do is test the soil for pH levels.
Once you've done that, you'll want to add amends to stabilize the pH levels. Next, you'll want to till the soil. This will help remove rocks and gravel. But, it will also make the soil easier to work with. Finally, you'll want to even out the soil to create a level surface for planting.
Don't Forget Fertilizer
When it comes to planting grass seeds, you can't forget the fertilizer. You might think you need to wait until the seeds have sprouted before adding fertilizer. That's not the case. To ensure healthy growth, you want to add fertilizer as soon as you've planted the grass seed. This process can help you establish a strong, healthy lawn.
To learn more, contact a local grass service such as Mata Turf.